Friday, May 20, 2011

Almost There!

A week from this moment, Friday evening, I'll be on summer break. I'll be at a music festival with a bunch of my recently graduated friends, setting up a tent and enjoying the amazing bands. I'll probably feel pretty carefree, giddy with newly acquired freedom and imaging the whole beautiful summer lying out in front of me. I'll slap mosquitoes and sleep in as late as I want. When I get home I'll do summery things like go swimming and drink iced tea and eat peach sandwiches. I’ll finally have time to read all the books I've wanted to read and start painting again and go on long, aimless bike rides through corn fields. I am so damn excited.

But a week is a long time, or at least it can be, and I have a lot to accomplish before then. It feels like an eternity. I shouldn't be indulging in these elaborate summer fantasies now, when I know my attention should really be directed towards finishing up the semester and doing well on my exams. The temptation is always to give up near the end. Summer will happen whether or not I do well these next few days. I wish I didn't realize that, but I do and I keep being reminded. How many hours are between me and summer? If I take the time to count, I might go insane.

The rest of my family is on break and, as of today, so are all the seniors (congratulations guys!), which is making me feel slightly imprisoned in school. One of the main reasons I’m so excited for summer break is that I won’t have to worry about school anymore. Now, don’t get me wrong. I actually really like some aspects of school; at least, I like learning. But academic achievement has been breathing down my neck since last August, and I’m so very ready for a chance of pace. Everyone was right about junior year being super stressful so I’ll be quite relieved for it to be over.

I’d be lying if I said all I felt was excitement and happiness at this year ending. Yes, I’m very excited to escape the grind of school, but I’m also realizing the end of this year is going to mean saying goodbye to a lot of really amazing friends who are graduating. I hope to stay in touch with everyone and see people as much as I can over the summer, but I recognize that things will never be same. I know that I can’t compare my feelings of bittersweet to those of graduating seniors who are leaving behind everything they know and have grown accustomed to over the past five years, but all the same I feel that this school year ending marks a big shift in my own life, which is hopefully something I can embrace.

In parting, happy almost summer to all of you and a giant hug to my seniors!


  1. Peach sandwiches?? Those sound quite amazing. Perhaps I shall try to make one when I too am done with school. Only a week longer!

  2. peach sandwich= toast wheat bread, butter it and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, sliced peach on top.
    favorite summer food!

  3. Nice post! I've barely survived the last week of school-- every day has felt like it should be summer. My summer situation is even worse, since I am taking my SAT subject tests in June. When i signed up, I didnt think I would have a problem taking more tests after school was out, but now i have no idea what i was thinking.

  4. I'll miss all the seniors too :(
    But I think it's worth it for SUMMER(finally)!

  5. Hope you're enjoying that summer now that it's really here! Peaches aren't quite in season, but maybe you can concoct something wonderful with strawberries or blueberries...
