Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sometimes I Whine About the Weather

I am going to write about something that is not even a little bit interesting, but that I nonetheless feel the need to complain about: the weather. I am so tired of this cold, windy nonsense. It is Springtime but we are still oscillating between miserable post-winter coldness and short bursts of appropriate warmth. Its April already and I want to address the season, saying “Get your act together!” Nobody can handle this frustration anymore. We want to be wear shorts and go barefooted through the mud; we want to feel gentle winds and heavy rainstorms. None of this damp, chilly unseasonable weather. I’m tired of wondering and hoping for spring days and so often being left out in the cold. We survived the long, zombifying Winter and now we are owed. We deserve some warm, green salvation.

Springtime means eating dinners outside and taking long walks in the long evenings. I’m ready to retire my sweaters and heavy wool socks until next winter. I’m ready for the birds to return south and the dogwood in my backyard to burst with white blossoms. Ugh, I’m sounding like a giant, sentimental cliche. This is what happens when I’m so deprived! I promise I’ll shut up about it the moment I get a few good warm days. Before I know it will be hot and humid out and everyone will be a little bit sunburnt. Maybe this year we are going to skip Spring altogether and go straight to Summer, since we have had some unusually hot and summery days sandwiched between cold, dreary ones.

I am so bothered by this! I had a soccer game today and despite the reasonable and sunny weather this morning, by the time we got to the field the temperature had dropped and it was once again overcast and chilly. Soccer is so much more enjoyable when the weather is agreeable. I’m sensitive to my environment. Something chemical happens to my brain and body when the temperature hit 65 degrees. I can feel this physical burst of energy and happiness. And winter always gives me hell; I sleep a lot more and smile less. I’ve been waiting for the weather to shift since last November and I’m getting so impatient. When can we have some warm days?